Joseph Z enlightens us about time-altering, in today’s prophetic live broadcast. He informs us that God seeks a church and a people who will cooperate with Him to the point that they could alter time. He demands our cooperation to rise and shine in the middle of the present evil age. He also brings to mind the Biblical scenario where Joshua commanded the sun to stand still to give the Israelites more time to defeat their enemies. He cites many other biblical characters who altered time. Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below: Next, Joseph makes us realize that God has given us the power to alter things, just as He led Abraham into His plans concerning Sodom and Gomorrah; where Abraham interceded for the people and inquired from God if He would please spare the city if He finds at least ten righteous people in it. This proves how delighted God finds mediators and intercessors; thus God demands our cooperation at this time, to alter the narrative in this generation. Joseph further cites Colossians 2:13-15 to explain that God has already made a public spectacle of the powers of darkness and the guilt that held us bound because of the law, triumphing over them by the cross. He also explains that the law came to declare everyone guilty, but Jesus came and set us free from the guilt of the law; therefore, there’s no condemnation for all those in Christ Jesus. Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 01:48 Time Altering: What You Need to Know 08:35 Let There Be Light! 13:12 God Appreciates a Mediator 15:34 What are You doing to Alter the Narrative? 16:27 Colossians 2:13-15 22:59 Conclusion October 29, 2024 #josephz #zministries #prophecylive #prophecy #freedomfromthelaw #timealtering #intercession #news